
Showing posts from December, 2020

File Migration from One Salesforce Org to Another Org using Skyvia

File Migration Exporting a file is a tough task. File export with its binary data is not supported in most of the available tools in the market. (eg: Dataloader,, workbench). However, we have the Skyvia web app, which does a really great job in file export and import.    We should pay attention to the following objects: ContentVersion(CV), ContentDocument (CD), ContentDocumentLink (CDL). I will use abbreviations for the above 3 objects further in this blog. A combination of these 3 is used for storing files in Salesforce. We will ideally export only two of them — ContentVersion and ContentDocumentLink.   ContentVersion : stores binary data of a file. A file can have multiple versions, but a user only sees LatestContentVersion by default. ContentDocument : there is always only 1 ContentDocument for a file. ContentDocument always contains LatestContentVersion id. ContentDocumentLink : connects a record to the file with the help of ContentDocumentId and Linke...